Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I've been looking forward to Thursday all week, and it's finally almost here! I've sent the little people to grandma's, made arrangements for the eldest to get to/from school, and I'm ready for a getaway! The best part is I'll get to see Lisa!

Life is good. Life is good. I'm inspired. The giant hand is reaching down from the sky, pushing me in a new direction again...I feel compelled to oblige. I feel alive again, renewed and recharged. I also feel disconnected, confused and "all over the place." The challenge right now is to be brave and bold and explore new things. I'm going. I'm taking a chance. I wonder what level of happiness I will find myself experiencing? I may come back unchanged, disappointed, sad or feeling guilty. But I might come back feeling stronger, new, ready to DO SOMETHING and take charge of my life again. There is always the feeling that more is around the corner. Maybe someday I'll be satisfied; maybe I'm living an unrealistic fantasy. But it's mine.

Today I'm grateful for: times when things fall into place and choices are made clear and we feel hopeful

1 comment:

Pulkit said...

A very positive post. Infact all the posts are filled with optimism and a positive attitude. You have a very happy family and cute kids lady. I liked the posts of your blog. Keep the good work up :)