Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Trusting Bob

I'm putting my faith in Bob, whom I hardly even know. He's the musclehead at the gym who conducted my MAP test yesterday. After putting a humiliating neon green mask on my head, making me breathe through the tube for what felt like an hour and raising the incline to 14 on the treadmill, he sat me down to "educate" me. Some of his information sank in, some went over my head. I tried to listen carefully, but thoughts like "Gee, he's a big guy" and "look at the size of his hands" and "he kind of reminds me of Fred's friend Brett" kept running through my head. Then he started using phrases like "long, rythmic strokes" and "breathing hard" and "push it hard," and I had a hard time concentrating. Of course, he's not my type, but it was way too hard not to laugh. The end result of the session was a 11-week program, specifically based upon my results, which should help train my body to burn more fat and work out more efficiently. Today I started my training. I used my new heart rate monitor watch/band to keep my HR between 115 and 125 as I walked on our treadmill for 120 minutes. Yep- 2 hours straight!!!

It's my birthday. I'm 33 today. . . and I stayed on that treadmill for 2 hours. (Minus the two times I jogged over to the bathroom and the time I jogged over to help Freddie wipe after he pooped.) I'm going to bookstore and Archivers by myself tonight, and then meeting Reagan for an appetizer and a drink at TGIFridays. I think Fred's feelings may have been hurt that I wanted to escape alone for awhile, but he understands.

I cannot believe that I stayed on that treadmill for 2 whole hours. I have to do the same thing everyday for 9 more days. Then I start phase 2 for 3 weeks; then I go on to phase 3 for 6 weeks. I am very committed to this process. Sure, I could pop some pills and lose some weight, but I know it will just come back. Bob says that by training in this way I can teach my body to burn many times more fat during a workout. I guess I have to trust him.

Today I am grateful for: a strong body and my new pal, Bob

1 comment:

Lisa said...

hilarious! that one gave me a good chuckle!